How to get in touch:

Jan Orlowski
Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie

Therapiezentrum Aquariana
Am Tempelhofer Berg 7d
10965 Berlin

Tel.: 0178 4581007

Meditation that puts things is motion. Meditation without repression or avoidance. And without a spiritual superego.
Pride, envy, fear and anger are allowed to be here – we see them more as friends who want to show us something important than as enemies who need to be overcome.
We meditate actively: presence and silence (with the support of breathing) remain the focus or anchor, but only as long as nothing else happens. But when something happens in the body or mind, we begin to explore it: we notice and label it, actively allow feelings, observe our relationship to our experience, and then pack it up and let it go.

Silence and presence are our companions, but the goal is something different: namely insights or knowledge!
Between the periods of meditation we reflect in the group on insights and ideas about the topic of the day.
The exchange is dynamic, with the opportunity to get feedback from each other. This can sometimes hurt, but there´s no better way to support inner growth.
Anything that might have been stirred up can settle down and be processed again in the subsequent meditation.

An open group for this is planned for 2025.
There is currently a small group in German called “Meditativer Erfahrungsraum” twice a month on Tuesdays via Zoom.
If you are interested, please contact me by email.


Meditations (German language only):

1. Unsere Anteile
2. Die gute Wut
3. LSD

How to get in touch:

Jan Orlowski
Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie

Therapiezentrum Aquariana
Am Tempelhofer Berg 7d
10965 Berlin

Tel.: 0178 4581007